Dental Coverage

We Help Make Beautiful Smiles.

Our affordable plans save you up to 60%, depending on the service you need. Some plans even include a free cleaning. We also offer vision and pharmacy so you can save even more. Now that’s worth smiling about.

It’s All So Easy.

We are the industry leader and provide access to the widest choice of discount dental plans available anywhere. Our plans are accepted by more than 100,000 dentists nationwide—so there’s a good chance your dentist participates. And you can change your plan anytime, no charge and hassle-free.

So Much Better than Dental Insurance.

With dental savings plans, there are no annual caps or limits—use as often as needed. And, there are no waiting periods.

We’re Here to Help.

We can help you choose a plan or find a dentist. We’ll help you get the most out of your plan and answer your questions, even about billing. We’re here to make you smile. Call 1-214-641-5415 or visit this website: .